Saturday, July 2, 2011

Back in Ghana ...

July in Ghana ...instead of in Colorado?  What were we thinking???

Well, we arrived here in Ghana and there’s a pretty good reason. This July marks the inaugural summer medical internship program for our Sub-Saharan Africa region. Karen and I join five medical and nursing students (check out the attachment) for a chance to see God work in partnership with local communities in Ghana. How cool that our son Brandon, who just finished his first year of medical school, is joining the team too! Our students, from the U.K. and the U.S., will be serving and seeing patients while learning alongside HCJB Global doctors, nurses and Ghanaian medical professionals. It should be an amazing July – despite the heat!

By the way, after a year in Ecuador our son Bryan is serving as a new media intern here at our office in Colorado Springs this summer, before heading off to Grad school at John Brown University in August. So both our boys will be in graduate school this fall.

A friend said recently that not much moss grows under the Cole’s feet, and I suppose that’s true. Thanks for joining us on the journey, through your love and prayers.

Curt & Karen

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